Finding the Right Fitness Shoes and Clothes
Choosing the right clothing and shoes for the exercise and physical activity you plan to do is important. Make sure your clothes and footwear are both comfortable and safe for you to be active. Try items on to make sure you have the proper fit. Keep these things in mind as you shop.
Finding the right fitness shoes
- Choose shoes that are made for the type of physical activity you want to do.
- Look for shoes with flat, non-skid soles, good heel support, enough room for your toes, and a cushioned arch that’s not too high or too thick.
- Make sure the shoes fit well and provide proper support for your feet.
- Check your shoes regularly and replace them when they’re worn out. You need new shoes when the tread is worn out; your feet feel tired after activity; or your shins, knees, or hips hurt after activity.
Choosing the right activewear
- Choose clothes that work with your activity. Loose shorts are perfect for basketball, but maybe not for yoga.
- Make sure your exercise clothes are comfortable and let you move easily.
- In cold weather, wear layers, such as a jacket or top over a t-shirt, so you can take off layers as you warm up.
- Wear clothes that let air circulate and moisture evaporate.
You may also be interested in
- Learning about real-life benefits of exercise
- Finding information about exercising safely outdoors
- Exploring tips for staying motivated to exercise
Sign up for e-alerts about healthy aging
For more information about fitness clothes and shoes
American Council on Exercise
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
888-232-6348 (TTY)
National Library of Medicine
This content is provided by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). NIA scientists and other experts review this content to ensure it is accurate and up to date.
Content reviewed:
April 02, 2020