End of life
Caring for someone who is dying can be hard. These articles provide information about palliative care, hospice care, decision-making at the end of life, and where to find help for your grief.
Different Care Settings at the End of Life
There’s no right place to die. Caregivers should consider the best option for their situation: home, hospital, nursing home, or another place.

End-of-Life Care for People With Dementia
Caring for a person with dementia at the end of life has special challenges. Help them have good quality of life as they’re dying.

Making Decisions for Someone at the End of Life
Being a health care proxy and making end-of-life care decisions for someone you love can be challenging. Learn what to expect.

Providing Care and Comfort at the End of Life
Read about how to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort to relieve suffering when caring for a loved one who is dying.