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Five Myths About Advance Care Planning

Many people have misconceptions about advance care planning. Learn about these common myths and get the facts.

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Five myths about advance care planning infographic. Click open PDF or see full transcript.

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Five Myths About Advance Care Planning

Get the facts about these common advance care planning myths.

Myth: My loved ones will know what I want when the time comes.
Fact: Not necessarily. In one study, nearly 1 in 3 people guessed wrong when asked to predict which end-of-life decisions their loved one would make.

Myth: I need a lawyer to create an advance care plan.
Fact: Most states offer free advance directive forms online, and you do not have to involve a lawyer.

Myth: I only need a plan if I'm very old or ill.
Fact: It’s impossible to predict the future. An emergency can happen at any age. Creating a plan now helps ensure that someone you trust can make decisions that reflect your wishes.

Myth: An advance care plan only matters if I put it in writing.
Fact: The most important part of planning is discussing your wishes with your loved ones. It can save them from worrying about whether they made the right decisions for you.

Myth: Once I put my plans in writing, I can’t change them.
Fact: Your advance directives can be changed at any time. In fact, you should review your plans at least once a year and after any major life event like a move, divorce, or change in your health.

Ready to get started? Visit Advance Care Planning to learn more.

An official website of the National Institutes of Health